“Carry the good news about Jesus Christ to the world”: Cardinal Stansiław Dziwisz


(Krakow, Poland) The Metropolitan Archbishop of Krakow Cardinal Stansiław Dziwisz exhorted the youth to be the messengers of hope. During the homily preahced on 26th for the inauguration of the World Youth Day he said: “Carry the good news about Jesus Christ to the world. Give testimony that it is both worth it and necessary to entrust Him with our fate. Open wide the doors of your hearts to Christ. Proclaim with conviction like Paul the Apostle, “that neither death, nor life, […] nor any other creature will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Rom. 8:38-39)”

wyd 11In a special way Cardinal  Stansiław remembered St. John Paul II, one who started the World Youth Day.  “The prophet Isaiah tells us today “how beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of the one bringing good news” (Is. 52:7). John Paul II was such a messenger – He was the initiator of World Youth Day, a friend of youth and families. And you be such messengers,” Cardinal reminded the Youth.

wyd 12To read the full text of the Homily click the link here: https://www.facebook.com/CSsR.en/