Haiti Appeal, Letter from f. Michael Brehl CSsR


Confreres, Sisters, Associates and Friends,

Peace to all of you in Christ Jesus our Redeemer as we prepare to celebrate this weekend the feast of our brother, St. Gerard Majella, C.Ss.R!

As you know, Hurricane Matthew swept across the Caribbean causing great loss of life, and enormous damage and destruction. This devastation was most serious in the country of Haiti. We grieve with all those families who lost loved ones. We are grateful that all of our confreres survived without serious injury. And we recognize the great need for immediate help with food, medicine, and other necessities, as well as the long term costs of reconstruction. Haiti is still recovering from the earthquake of 2010. And now another blow has struck them.

The Holy Father entrusted the people of Haiti to the tender and maternal embrace of Our Mother of Perpetual Help, patroness of Haiti. As a community in Rome, we celebrated Eucharist before the Original Icon for the intentions of the Haitian people on Saturday, October 15. We continue to hold the people of Haiti in our prayers.

Many Provincials and others have asked how they can send financial aid. Some have arranged special collections in their parishes and Churches. Others would like to make a donation. The General Government will gratefully welcome all donations. Please send them to the Economato in the ordinary way, but make sure that you include “Aid for Haiti” in the transfer of funds. Any Sisters or friends who would like to contribute are welcome to do so through their local Redemptorist (V)Province or Mission. As the situation becomes clearer, The Region of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, will make more concrete plans for reconstruction. In the meantime, we want to respond as best we can to the immediate and urgent needs. Thank you for your generosity.

May Our Mother of Perpetual Help, who stood by her Son on the Cross, stand with and accompany the suffering people of Haiti.

Your brother in the Redeemer,

Michael Brehl, C.Ss.R.