The Gift of an Icon from Br Max CSsR…


On behalf of the Community, Br Royston Price CSsR receives the Icon of Blessed Maria Celeste Crostarosa OSsR from Br Massimiliano Mura CSsR

The extremely gifted Icon writer, Br Massimiliano Mura CSsR, a student from the Roman Province, presented an Icon of Blessed Maria Celeste Crostarosa OSsR to the Clapham community.

Blessed Maria Celeste Crostarosa is the foundress of our Redemptoristine Nuns OSsR, and was an important figure in our own history and early formation.

Br Max had been staying with the community for three months getting his already excellent English up to be an even higher standard. The community was extremely grateful for this precious gift and it will be blessed on Friday when the community will gather for a Day of Recollection.


Blessed Maria Celeste Crostarosa OSsR