Provincial Assembly of the Province of Campo Grande, Brazil


The Redemptorists of the Campo Grande Province, which covers the states of Mato Grosso do Sul and Parana, gathered in Provincial Assembly, between 18 and 20 October at the retreat house of the Sisters Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Barrio Santa Felicidade, Curitiba (PR).

About 50 religious, from various locations, attended the meeting, including Father Karl Esker, who works in the parish of Saint James in Newark, United States of America. He represents the Redemptorists of that missionary parish.


During the three days, the missionaries prayed, shared their experiences, celebrated, evaluated and studied the reports of the provincial commissions.

One of these important moments of the meeting was the conference on “Pastoral Spirituality”, which was led by F. Clodovis Boff, a religious of the Order of Servants of Mary and professor from PUC in Curitiba.

Father Dirson Gonçalves, C.S.sR
Província de Campo Grande