Forging ahead


Today is the feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Morning Prayer was led by the Province of Thailand.

The Secretary of the Chapter Fr Kevin O’Neill was welcomed back and we congratulated Fr. Marinho on his birthday yesterday and Fr. Janus Sok on his feast day today

We then received the updated version of the final text which was presented by the redaction committee and read in Spanish by Fr. Pedro López.

The text was discussed for almost 1 hour in small groups.

30343797133_30bf6438f8_kAfter the break we resumed our discussion and voting on the variety of postulata on which we have been working for the past few days.

With one week to go, there is passion in the aula that we communicate a credible, clear and relevant message to our confreres and associates throughout the world. This passion is being harnessed though our mutual sharing.

Ronald J. McAinsh, C.SS.R.