St. Cecilia – Sing a new song unto the Lord


Today is the feast of Saint Cecilia and Morning Prayer was led by the Province of Indonesia. A hymn sung by the confreres of the Province in honour of our Mother of Perpetual Help was part of the prayer.

After some announcements by the chapter secretary about the proposals for today we began discussions both in groups and in plenary sessions.

A new document for the protection of my minors and vulnerable adults will be voted on today. However it of course already received very strong support from the capitulars.

22825996898_361b814c4b_kWe also had a discussion on our churches, our shrines and our ministry.

This was followed by a very deep and prolonged session in which we supported the vocation of the Redemptorist Brother. Questions about how this support would be best implemented were raised. Should it be relational or should it be legislative – or a mixture of both? There was also a commitment to continue attempting to recruit Brothers to Redemptorist life.

22825958448_997baf71f1_kEngaging with our secularised world was another topic which gathered opinions and insights from the five continents.

Voting on these proposals will take place later today.

Ronald J. McAinsh, C.SS.R.