The beatification of Fr. Victor Coelho CSsR (Brazil) seems to be close


The devotees and admirers of the Servant of God Father Victor Almeida Coelho de Almeida, will celebrate the charism and work of the priest, and his fervent devotion to Our Lady of Aparecida during a pilgrimage honouring the religious.

The pilgrimage, which will take place on Saturday, February 11, will be preceded by a triduum, 8 to 10 February. Around 47,000 pilgrims are expected to participate the feast day celebration that commemorate the ” Apostle of Aparecida “.

This year the celebration has a new motivation for the Brazilian people since it is the 30th anniversary of the death of Fr. Coelho. In addition, the celebration will have a special reason because it is 20 years since his cause for the beatification process has started.

The documents, which are currently at the Congregation for the Causes of Saints at the Vatican are in the final stage of analysis. Meanwhile, the Roman dicastery is preparing the Position on virtues, document summarizing the virtues and the reputation of the candidate’s sanctity for beatification. From this document, and proof of the miracle, the Pope proclaims the blessedness of the Servant of God.

However, it is assumed that the ceremony which will record the Apostle of Aparecida in the book of the blessed will not happen this year. “Our wish was that we could carry out the beatification in 2017, when we celebrate the 300th anniversary of the discovery of the statue of the Patroness of Brazil. However, since the process is long and delicate, because it involves doctors, specialists and canonists, we do not know if it will be possible. But more important than speed, we know that Father Victor is already acclaimed as a saint by the people, and will be beatified officially when the Church decides to do so. We hope, however, that the date will be soon, “said Mons. Darci.


For a complete history of Father Victor Almeida Coelho de Almeida: