“Solidarity with Venezuela,” our prophetic vocation leads us to denounce violence


The Redemptorists, meeting at the Fourth Assembly of the Conference of Latin America and the Caribbean, have issued a declaration on Venezuela:


“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God” (Mt 5,9)

Redemptorist Missionaries, members of the Conference of Latin America and the Caribbean, gathered in Marianella, Colombia, in a climate of prayer and reflection, seeks to respond creatively to the process of restructuring to live the missionary vocation with hope and fidelity.

“I have observed the misery of my people … I heard their cry …I am aware of their suffering.” Exodus 3.7

2. As Redemptorist missionaries, we can not close our eyes to what is happening in Venezuela. We see with pain the suffering of so many brothers and sisters because of the enormous violence on the part of the government. We are concerned about the extreme measures of social pressure on many people who endanger their integrity and their lives. This long conflict is causing wounds that will be difficult to heal. Dear Brothers and Sisters, We are not indifferent to your suffering.

3. Our prophetic vocation leads us to denounce the intolerance, the use of violence, the clash between brothers, the imposition of force, fear, persecution and arrest: contrary to the dignity of every person and the exercise of fundamental rights.

4. This spiral of violence increases the pain and suffering of this people and does not contribute to solving any problems. It also constitutes a serious attack on life, sacred gift of God.

“Witnesses of the Redeemer, solidarity with the mission in a wounded world”.

(Headline of XXV General Chapter)

5. Encouraged by the power of the Redeemer, winner of death and sin, we express our solidarity with our Redemptorist confreres, bishops, priests, religious and all of you. We encourage you to be close to the wounded people, guiding them, accompanying them, as witnesses of God walking along with us.

6. We also appeal to all men and women of good will, to be builders of life and hope, to work together to build a country where real peace is promoted with social justice.

7. To those who rule, let us remember that no one has the right to arrogate all the powers. The principles of independence, separation, coordination and cooperation are essential for the survival of democracy, constitutional rights and the common good.

“Do nothing for rivalry or vanity, but with humility, considering each other superiors to themselves, each seeking not their own interest, but that of others” Phil 2: 3-5

8. Jesus Christ, who has spent his life doing good and with love has given his life for the life of others, gives us all the ability to defend and protect our lives, to recognize that we are brothers and sisters and children of the Father, “created in the image and likeness of God” (Genesis 1.26). Human dignity is always above ideologies.

9. The God of Life and History, enlighten political, social, and civil leaders to have the courage to abandon mediocre, ideologized, party or group interests in seeking concrete, inclusive and urgent solutions to give everyone the hope that a different country of peace and harmony is possible.

We call for the protection of the Mother of Perpetual Help to support us always in the urgent task of building an abundant and full life for all.