Final Profession: Liguori Province, India


Final Profession in religious life is the time to re-affirm the centrality of Jesus in our lives and evangelical counsels are the lamps that guide us to affirm this centrality. Moreover, this special way of life helps one to go to the very root of the love of Jesus and thus love every one with an undivided heart, putting nothing ahead of this divine and soothing love as obstacles. Thus a religious live in this broken world as a channel of God’s divine and merciful love.

Today (01/06/2017) five of us, from the province Liguori; Josekutty Edasserypowath, Jinto Thekkanath, Denny Chittilappilly, Denish Kannukettiyil and Sojan Poovathumkal made our final commitment of the consecrated life in the midst of our confreres and family members. It was indeed a daring decision on our part to be the salt and light of this broken world to challenge and to wake the world in the name of Jesus Christ.

The Final Profession ceremony began at 10. Am with the Eucharistic celebration which was presided over by Fr. Joy Poonoly our provincial, Fr. Poly Kkannampuzha and Fr. Jose Maippan.    Fr. Biju Kunnumpurath broke the Word of God for us in which he stressed to have an unshaken faith in Jesus who has called us to consecrated life. Soon after the homily we made our final profession. The solemn ceremony was conducted in a blissful and prayerful atmosphere. The whole celebration was concluded by felicitating the newly professed and followed by Agape.

Jinto Theckanath, CSsR