The first issue of Studia Moralia of 2017


The first issue of Studia Moralia of 2017, edition 55/1 has been published. An extract from the editorial of this issue reads;

“The publication of the Apostolic Exhortation Laetitia Amoris has attracted considerable interest and controversy, especially with regard to some ethical and pastoral guidelines contained in Chapter VIII. In this issue of Studia Moralia the opening article deals with some fundamental aspects of the proposal of Pope Francis and the Synod. We see in a very illustrative intervention of Sabatino Majorano that shows how the exhortation touches the centres of theological and moral discourse and promotes a renewal focused on the subject of merciful discernment. The Alphonsian proposal, assumed by the Academy since its very beginning as a characteristic element, is in an intimate and innate harmony with this magisterial perspective and Majorano, returning on some of the main themes of the exhortation, deepens them based on the moral proposals of St. Alphonsus. The text, originally pronounced in Italian as Lectio Semestralis in the Academy, is presented here in the English version in order to reach a wider audience.”

Some articles follow, such as the problem of discernment and decision in virtue of prudence, in the intervention of Peter G. Kirchschläger.

Andrea Vicini’s article addresses an aspect of discernment that is often underestimated: that of the role of emotions in the moral life and in the process of discernment in particular.

Giuseppe De Virgilio takes us back to the essential importance of divine mercy in the Christian life and does so in the perspective biblical theology.

From Christology, but in a more purely moral-theological perspective, Brian Johnstone’s article which returns to a preferred approach of François-Xavier Durrwell, “Rising to new life: a moral theology of resurrection.”

Maurizio FAGGIONI, O.F.M