Preparation for Perpetual Vows in the CRE


The Interprovincial Month of Spiritual Renewal before Perpetual Vows for the confreres from the CRE is taking place in Poland from 4 July to 4 August 2017.

Ten participants from 5 Units (Provinces of Rome, Naples, Bratislava-Prague, Warsaw and the Region of Zimbabwe) spent the first week in Krakow and for the rest of this course went to the Redemptorist Seminary in Tuchow.

The course was prepared by Fr. Witold Hetnar (Warsaw Province) in cooperation with the Secretariat for Formation of the CRE and with presenters from various countries.

This was the fifth time we have shared a common preparation for our formandee from Europe. It was also the third time in which the formandee from Zimbabwe joined this preparation in Europe.

Five confreres from Poland, Belarus, Italy-Naples who are in the Transition to Ministry Programme are participating in the final part of this course (from 16 to 30 July).

As in previous years, the programme consists of lectures and discussions about Redemptorist spirituality, religious vows, Redemptorist life and mission in the CRE, pastoral issues and other topics relating to the human dimension of religious and priestly formation.

This year the speakers are: Fr. Ronald McAinsh (London); Fr. Alfonso Amarante, (Rome, Alfonsian Accademy); Fr. Andrzej Wodka (Rome, Alfonsian Accademy); Fr. Jacek Zdrzałek (Coordinator of the CRE); Fr. Josef Bunar (Bolivia); Fr. Michał Zamkovsky (Bratislava-Prague); from the Warsaw Province: Fr. Janusz Sok, Fr. Dariusz Paszyński; Fr. Witold Baran; Fr. Ireneusz Byczkiewicz; Fr. Mariusz Symonicz; Fr. Sylwester Cabała, and the lay speakers: Jadwiga Juros and Karol Cierpica.

The lectures and prayers during the gathering are in three languages: Italian, English and Polish, with simultaneous translation.

Jacek Zdrzalek C.Ss.R.