Beginning of Novitiate Year and First Profession at the Redemptorist Inter-Provincial Novitiate in Lubaszowa, Poland


On August 14, 2017, at the Eve of the Feast of Assumption of the Mother of God five young men began their novitiate during Solemn First Vespers at the Redemptorist Inter-Provincial Novitiate in Lubaszowa, Poland. Four of them from Warsaw Province and one from Yorkton Province in Canada. The main celebrant was Provincial Superior of Warsaw Province Fr. Janusz Sok, C.Ss.R. assisted by Novice Master Fr. Mariusz Chyrowski, C.Ss.R. and Socius Fr. Marcin Klamka, C.Ss.R. They were joined by outgoing novices, as well as Redemptorists from nearby theologate in Tuchów. Please keep us in your prayers as we journey through this important year of our religious formation.

First Vows

On the Feast of Assumption, eight Redemptorist novices of Warsaw Province professed for the first time vows of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience the Redemptorist Inter-provincial Novitiate in Lubaszowa, Poland during Solemn Mass presided by Provincial Fr. Janusz Sok, C.Ss.R., assisted by Vicar Fr. Paszyński, C.Ss.R. and Novice Master Fr. Mariusz Chyrowski, C.Ss.R. with numerous Redemptorists and diocesan clergy together with family and friends. In his sermon Fr. Paszyński reminded newly professed that they need to become °as good as bread”, so as to dedicate their lives to others and helping them as bread helps nourish our bodies.

Submitted by the Novices