“CSSR All Around”: Building a Photo Gallery for our worldwide Redemptorist family album!


(Portugal) “CSSR ALL AROUND” is a very simple idea that came to the mind of some Redemptorist Lay partners from Portugal. You can find the page on Instagram and on Facebook simultaneously, in order to reach the worldwide Redemptorist Family.

This interesting new initiative is to create a photo-journal in which Redemptorists from all over the world can collaborate. MAKE A PHOTO OF YOUR REDEMPTORIST CROSS WHEN YOU GO ABROAD OR IN YOUR MISSION TRAVELLING. Then, send the photo to us, and we’ll post it. You can also post it on the Facebook page or, on Instagram. Post it in your profile with the hashtag #cssrallaround. We’ll add it to the “CSSR All Around” profile.

Please visit the page and see what’s already there! Portugal (of course), Guiné-Bissau, Iran, South Africa, Scotland, England, Spain, Panama, Albania, Italy, France, Colombia, Lithuania. Isn’t it great? If more Redemptorists, throughout the world, collaborate, it will become a big visual map of our global missionary presence. On the same time, by collaborating with this project we are creating something as a “catalogue” with beautiful and meaningful pictures we all can use for our pastoral and vocational materials.

It’s a great joy to see this simple idea linking people and places of our beautiful Redemptorist Family.

Send your photos to the EMAIL: cssrallaround@cssr.pt

Follow on INSTAGRAM or/and on FACEBOOK: just search for “cssr all around”

Rui Santiago CSsR