The Redemptorists in Maputo and it’s Formation Programme


(Maputo, Mozambique) – The Redemptorists in Maputo have just completed a temporary structure to host it’s Formation Programme. In the photograph there is Gerry O Connor and Father Marcello C.Ss.R. and four of the eight students. There is Julio, Isaac, Raul and Benedito.

Four Redemptorist Students from Mozambique join Father Marcello C.Ss.R. in building a temporary Formation structure in Matola, Maputo, Mozambique.

See @GerryO_Connor from the Solidarity Office interview the four Students!


This tree could tell stories of civil war and upheaval in Mozambique but today is at the heart of a new beginning for Redemptorists in Mozambique , as the Redemptorist formation programme moves into a new temporary dwelling.

(from @COREAM_ie)

COREAM is the Redemptorist Conference for Africa and Madagascar, established to help implement the Redemptorist charism & mission in Africa & Madagascar.