Redemptorist Students on a Mission, Brazil

The Community of St. Agostino in Campo Grande

(Campo Grande, Brazil) – Holy Week is an intense moment for the Church, which invites the faithful to recognize in the mystery of the Cross,  Resurrection and the Redemptive Love of God. There are several moments prepared in the communities: Holy Eucharistic celebrations, penitential rites, processions, retreats, etc.

Redemptorists in Paranagua

In addition to celebrating this profound moment of our spirituality, young Redemptorist students are sent to some of these communities: shrines, parishes and small factories, to assist in activities and, to share their vocational experience with the people of God, to be sources of new vocations in the Church.

In the photos, we see some of the students who are already in the Mission take part in the pastoral work in the Redemptorist Shrines in Campo Grande (MS) and Curitiba and Paranaguá (PR). Some of them, accompanied for the first time, are part of the communities run by Redemptorist Missionaries.

In Curitiba

In this “favourable time” (2Cor. 6: 2) we pray that the Most Holy Redeemer may continue to call young people to be his instruments in announcing Plentiful Redemption “in a wounded world”.

Perpetual Help in Campo Grande


From our different shrines and parishes: Redemptorist Shrines in Campo Grande (MS) and Curitiba and Paranaguá (PR)