First Congress of Redemptorists Communicators in Brazil


(Aparecida, Brazil) The first Congress of Redemptorist Communicators and the third Symposium on Redemptorist Publications by the Media Commission of the Union of Redemptorists of Brazil will take place from June 4 to 8, 2018, in Aparecida / SP. The initiative wants to bring together religious and laity who work in the missionary fronts of communication that the various Redemptorist units have in the country. The organizers intend to provoke a dialogue about communication, putting into practice some actions that may help the work in the various media.

The program will include lectures, roundtable, thematic laboratories, visits to the spaces of communication of the Aparecida Network, sharing of experiences. The central theme of the event is in tune with the theme of the current Six-Year Congregation: “Redemptorist Communication in a Wounded World – Evangelizing in the New Frontiers of the Media.”

The theme “The Redemptorists and Social Communication, a history of love and sacrifice” will be the agenda of a roundtable discussion, with the presence of the Archbishop of Aparecida / SP, Rev. Orlando Brandes; the doctor in communication and member of the Redemptorist unit of Porto Alegre, Father Pedrinho Guareschi; the director of Editora Santuário, Fábio Evaristo; and the journalist of the Aparecida Communication Network, Nazaré Soares.

The professor of the Department of Religious Sciences of PUC / São Paulo, Jorge Claudio, will present the lecture “The Church and New Media: correctness, setbacks, and perspectives”. The Redemptorist, who works in the press office of the CNBB, Fr Rafael Vieira, will present the panel “Redemptorists and the media: practices and possibilities of evangelization in a wounded world”. The auxiliary bishop of Sao Paulo, Mons. Devair Araújo will present the text recently approved by the CNBB, with the “Orientations of the Church for the Media”. And Father Nereu de Castro, from Belo Horizonte, is to lecture on “Prophecy and Communication: the Word and the Doctrine incarnated in the media”. All these moments will have room for debate among the participants.

Afternoons are reserved for thematic laboratories, with the following themes: a) Publishing and Publications – space reserved for editorial segment; b) How to start and manage a WEBTV, with the team of the Archdiocese of Rio de Janeiro; c) The art of visual communication in our communities – by Simari Agency; d) Management of social networks for pastoral actions – with the staff of Portal

Participation in the event is restricted to the Redemptorists and the laity who work on the missionary fronts of the Congregation.

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