Meeting of Redemptorist colleagues in Minas Gerais, Brazil


(Minas Gerais, Brazil) – The Meeting of the Redemptorist Colleagues of Congonhas was held from 13th to 15th July, in the ‘Floresta’ Seminary, in Juiz de Fora (Minas Gerais) which brought together 26 colleagues and their families.

The meeting was characterized by the launch of the book “Christ, Passion and Glory”, written by our professor of Exegesis in the Major Seminary, Fredericus Stein, who died in 2017. The edition was started by a group of colleagues and sponsored by the Province of Rio.

The event was opened by Fr. José Antero Macedo, who gave a brief presentation on the ways of restructuring through which our Congregation passes. The theme was very interesting for everyone and was presented with clarity and simplicity.

Then the book was presented and launched, with the presence of Mrs Didi, the author’s widow, and his son Leonardo, who toasted with various musical numbers accompanied by the guitar, an artist who remembered his father.

During the program of this event, we also had the recitation of a poem in honour of the mother, by Mrs Dalva, our treasurer.

The choir participated singing the traditional “The 12 thieves”, “Va Pensiero” and the hymn of Juvenato.

On Sunday Father Macedo celebrated the Mass of the Most Holy Redeemer and spoke to us about the joy of meeting each other, always united to the Congregation.

The next meeting is already scheduled for 12, 13 and 14 of July 2019.

 Luciano Dutra Neto