Publication of the writings of Maria Celeste Crostarosa


(Materdomini, Italy) The editorial project concerning the writings of Blessed Maria Celeste Crostarosa took another step in this month of August at the publishing house of San Gerardo (Materdomini). The tenth volume of the series of Texts and Studies of Crostarosa with compiled as a book in two parts, Esercizio di amore per la quaresima e Esercizi spirituali per ogni anno (Exercise of love for the Lent and Spiritual Exercises for each year) edited by Fr. S. Majorano was published. In the first part, Mother Celeste invites us to walk the Lenten path deepening the passion of Christ according to the Gospel of John. But it emphasizes, above all, how we must continue to be the believers by putting into practice; a gift to be received with gratitude and to be translated coherently into daily life. In the second part, we find the meditations (two per day) for the annual spiritual exercises that  Crostarosa considered indispensable for those called to religious life. The book is written in the Italian language.