The Redemptorist Mission in the Diocese of Weetebula


(Weetebula, Indonesia) The Redemptorist missionaries were invited to conduct the Mission for 3 months in the parish of St. Immaculate Maria, Totok, in the diocese of Weetebula, Indonesia since June 3, 2018. The people were very happy and excited to welcome the missionaries. The Totok station is one of the oldest stations in Weetebula diocese.

The Missionary team consisted of 6 Redemptorists, namely 4 priests, 1 brother and 1 student. In addition, our team was strengthened by the sisters from the ALMA congregation. This congregation is a local congregation from Java that works in the education and social fields, especially working for the disables. This is an initiative taken to collaborate and cooperate with other congregations in our proclamation.

The title of the mission is “ To be a living stone in God’s building.” The purpose of the mission was that “the people of God will experience true repentance and salvation through the realization of their vocation that strengthened the unity, solidarity, independence and missionary zeal”. Family visits were the main work of mission. Through personal encounter and sharing helped us to listen and know better the situation the people experienced in their lives.

Catechesis and mentoring faith for various groups such as children, young people, and married couples were compulsory activities in every mission of the people. In this mission, various sacramental services carried out for Catholic families, after following the catechesis. The prior preparations were necessary. Whereas for non-Catholics we provided adequate assistance before being accepted into the fellowship of the Catholic faithful.

In Totok, we have baptized 205 infants and 80 adults. As many as 112 people received the first Holy Communion and 21 couples received the sacrament of marriage. The celebrations filled us with joy and there was a sense of caring and sharing among the faithful. All this was possible with the cooperation and collaboration of the lay missionaries of the place which we called the Community Mobilizing Team (TPU). They are the local people who willingly volunteered, after going through adequate preparations, to accompany the Redemptorist missionaries to reach out to the people.

Apart from the sacramental matters, we also carried out various activities related to social and talent developments. The platform for talent development was made possible through art and sports performances and competitions. A fellowship process is established in various activities that were developed.

The unity of the people in every activity turned out to be good news through their active participation. In our daily activities, we tried to understand and assimilate God’s will and live it. As an itinerant mission team, we always brought everything needed for the proclamation. We always rejoiced with God’s people. There were always interesting stories shared with them. We lived with them for almost three months. After a long stretch of groundwork now we are preparing ourselves for a hectic final week namely preaching and celebrations.

The missionaries will send the chosen people to continue their mission on 9th September 2018. The same strategy must be followed in a new place.

May the abundant redemption experienced by the missioners and the people continue to be celebrated and shared in subsequent encounters among God’s people.

Fr. Willy Ng Pala, CSsR.