Extraordinary general visit – Bratislava-Praha and Michalovce


(Slovakia) An extraordinary general visit of two Units – Province of Bratislava-Praha and Viceprovince of Michalovce begun on Monday 15th October in Juskova Vola in the East Slovakia. It was the last general visit in Europe.

During this visit we spoke profoundly about restructuration and reconfiguration of our Congregation, especially of the Conference of redemptorists in Europe. The main goal of this process is to make our apostolic work and mission more dynamic and fruitful. It was good to see our visitators how they were listening to our thoughts and ideas, speaking with them about our mission and life in this part of Europe.

The Assembly was animated by Fr. Alberto Eseveri the Vicar of Superior general and by Fr. Pedro Lopez, general consultor. We were very happy that in this assembly were present also our confreres from Albania, Fr. Laureano del Otero and Fr. Andrzej Michon. Our lay partners took part for a few days and also our students and novices were present all the time.

After the Assembly a missionary congress of the two Units took place. Together with our lay partners in mission we evaluated last year of work and made plans for parish missions in the next year.

Fr. Václav Hypius, Provincial Superior