Assembly of the Conference of Latin America and the Caribbean
On 22 and 23 May, the fourth Assembly of the Conference of Latin America and the Caribbean took place in Villa Marianella (Colombia), with...
The whole country celebrates the centenary of the birth of Archbishop...
On the occasion of the celebration of the centenary of the birth of Msgr. Jorge Gottau, the first bishop of Añatuya, several activities are...
The Redemptorists celebrate the hope of renewing themselves
Gathered together on May 16 at Villa Marianella, the Retreat House of the Province of Bogotá, located two hours from the capital, 65 redemptorist...
5 Ordinations to the Priesthood in the V. Province of Majella
It is with immense joy and gratitude to the Redeemer that the V. Province of Majella founded only in 2011 as a V. Province...
A mission that needs many helping hands
The international pilgrimage-congress on Our Mother of Perpetual Help was an occasion for me to learn more about the National Shrine of Our Mother...
The third phase of the General Chapter begins in the conference...
On May 16, the third phase of the General Chapter for Latin America and the Caribbean began in Villa Marianela (Colombia), which brought together...
Gathered in My Name: Ecumenism in the World Church
The De Paul University in Chicago, USA, hosted an international meeting on Ecumenism, entitled “Gathered in My Name: Ecumenism in the World Church” from...
‘Catholic Women in Leadership’ series by Anne Walsh (RTV) presents new work from Anne Walsh, D.Min., a Redemptorist Lay Missionary and frequent homilist contributor to Redemptosist.TV and its series Catholic Women in...
Preaching to the parishes
Parish missions were a common feature in the Irish Church up until about the 1960s and...
Transfer of the mission from St. Clement’s province to Liguori province
(10 May 2017, Lebanon) It was a historical day and a graceful moment for the Redemptorist congregation and the Lebanese Church on 10 May as...