Formators’ Course in the Conference of Africa and Madagascar
In accordance with decision 35 of the XXVth General Chapter, which states that “the General Secretariat for Formation will continue to offer...
India: Formees Gathering 2024 in the Province of Bangalore
The Formees Gathering 2024 was officially inaugurated on 27th May with the Eucharistic Celebration presided over by the Provincial Superior of...
Poland: Redemptorist Soccer Tournament 2024
It was the 21st time teams of altar boys from Polish Redemptorist parishes met at the Soccer Tournament for the Provincial's Cup....
Fr Rogério Gomes met online with Redemptorist Partners in the mission
Taking the theme of “The Redemptorist Family: Hopes, Dreams, Challenges and the Paths to be Followed”, on Saturday, June 15, 2024, Superior...
Poland: Redemptorists commissioned to work in the field of parish missions...
After the two-year formation course at the Pastoral Tirocinium of the Warsaw Province, two Redemptorists, Fr Łukasz Kalisz and Fr Łukasz Baran,...
Rev. Fr. Michael Brehl CSsR appointed Bishop of the Diocese of...
On June 11, 2024, Pope Francis appointed Fr. Michael Brehl CSsR, currently Provincial Superior of the Redemptorist Province of Canada, as the...
Inauguration of the Year of Initiation into Ministry in Bangalore
After their ordination, young Redemptorists undergo a year of formation known as the Year of Initiation into Ministry or Pastoral Year. It's...
Karl Rahner: from anthropocentrity to theocentrity and back…
VI. The Theological Paradigm
(Article from the Alphonsian Academy Blog)
In former posts we have seen how our...
India: Perpetual Profession of four Redemptorists
On June 8th, 2024, four young Redemptorists, Camil Dung Dung, Charles Charvier, Prasantha Hembram (Province of Bangalore)and Ruban Nishith Lobo (Vice- province...
Poland: Bishop Bryan Bayda CSsR visited a day centre for Ukrainian...
The Warsaw 'Mercy Centre' at the parish of St Klemens Hofbauer on Karolkowa Street was visited by the Greek Catholic Eparch of...