“Il Santo di carne” (The very human Saint) – A Film...
On Thursday, December 5, the first ever screening of the film Il Santo di carne, dedicated to Saint Alphonsus, took place in...
Indonesia: “Deepening Identity, Igniting Hope” – Annual Retreat of St. John...
Amid the serene atmosphere of Lembah Karmel Retreat Center, Cikanyere, located nearly 90 km from East Jakarta, the Redemptorist Community of Jakarta...
Letter of Fr. General to Fr Brendan O’Rourke on the passing...
Prot. N.: 1300 241/2024Rome, 4th December 2024
While writing to Fr. BRENDAN O'ROURKE, C.Ss.R, Provincial Superior of the...
Italy: The Emporium of Solidarity was inaugurated in the Redemptorist monastery...
In Bussolengo, on 23 November, Monsignor Domenico Pompili, Bishop of Verona, blessed the solidarity emporium, which was solemnly inaugurated in the presence...
Redemptorist presence at the sixth American Missionary Congress – CAM6
The Sixth American Missionary Congress (CAM6) was held in Puerto Rico, in the Diocese of Ponce, from November 19 to 24, 2024. “America,...
When the “devil” dresses in dualism and Manichaeism
The article by Prof. Antonio G. Fidalgo CSsR, published on the Blog of the Accademia Alfonsiana
We accept, as some...
Shared Mission Assembly of the European Conference in Naples, Italy
The first official Shared Mission Assembly of the Redemptorist Conference of Europe (CRE) took place from 29 to 30 November at Colle...
Cultural Night and Inaugural Mass of The Jubilee Year – 100...
On the evening of November 29, 2024, at the Our Mother of Perpetual Help Parish in Hue, the Redemptorist Province of Vietnam...
Panama: Masses in the neighborhoods, a reflection of Redemptorist missionary action
A motivation for the community, for the people, and for the apostolic groups, to be able to revitalize the sense of mission...
Argentina: Perpetual adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in Villa Ángela has...
In the last two years, 730 days, more than 17,500 hours of perpetual adoration before the Blessed Sacrament where thousands of parishioners...