General Secretariat for Evangelization

(Back row – from left to right) Fr. John Fahey-Guerra, Fr. Nicolas Ayouba, Fr. Victorino Cueto, Fr. Cristian Bueno, Fr. Noel Sottima, Fr. Tadhg Herbert.
(Front row – from left to right) Fr. Pawel Drobot, Fr. Hector Javier Machado, Anne Marie Walsh, Fr. Joterio Aghoja, Fr. Victor Ernesto Espinoza, Bro. Jesús Roberto Avalos Hernández.

The call of the XXVI Chapter to be missionaries of hope who walk in the footsteps of the Redeemer constitutes, in this time of unprecedented change, a criterion of discernment for our planning and action. As missionary disciples called to continue the presence of Christ and his mission of Redemption in the world, the professed members and partners in the mission strive, day by day, to revitalize our apostolic life, and to give witness to the abundant life of the Redeemer (cf. Jn 10:10, Cont. 23). In this context, the General Secretariat for Evangelization acts as an instrument of support to the General Government in discerning the evangelizing work of the Congregation. Nicolas Ayouba, General Councilor and President of the Secretariat for Evangelization, acts as liaison with the General Government.

Members of the General Secretariat for Evangelization
Fr. Nicolas Ayouba (General Consultor and Chairperson of the Secretariat)
Fr. Noel Sottima (Coordinator of the Commission for Africa and Madagascar)
Fr.  Hector Javier MachadoFr. John Fahey-Guerra 
Fr. Victorino Cueto 
Fr. Tadhg Herbert  
Fr. Cristian Bueno (Secretary)
Fr. Joterio Aghoja

Representatives of the Commissions

Fr. Pawel Drobot (Coordinator of the Commission of RYVM)
Anne Marie Walsh (Office for Shared Mission, Coordinator of the General Commission for Shared Mission)

General Objective

To promote the mission entrusted to the Congregation, which includes the proclamation of the Good News to the poor, the salvation of the whole human person (Const. 5) and the proclamation of abundant life for the whole created world.

Specific Objectives

  • Re-imagine and revitalize the missionary identity among the members of the Redemptorist Family.
  • Assist in the implementation of the Apostolic and Strategic Plans of the Conferences.
  • Facilitate the sharing of missionary and formation experiences among the Units.
  • Promote and facilitate the exchange of personnel and resources to respond to the most urgent pastoral needs.
  • To foster a new missionary awareness in the Congregation in relation to Shared Mission with the laity and Redemptorist Youth Ministry.
  • To promote greater awareness in the Congregation about Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation
  • To promote solidarity with the Conference of Africa and Madagascar as a priority of the Congregation.

Areas of Interest to the Secretariat

  • Parish and Shrine Ministry 
  • The phenomenon of mass migration of people and the pastoral care of immigrants.
  • Youth and Vocation Ministry
  • Ecumenical and interreligious dialogue. 
  • Justice, peace and the Integrity of Creation
  • Promotion of missionary solidarity with COREAM.
  • Shared Mission with the laity.

Our “Anchors”

  • The Redemptorist Charism and the mission received through St. Alphonsus
  • The Decisions and Final Documents of the last General Chapter
  • The Plan of Action of the General Government
  • The Apostolic Plans and Strategic Plans of the Conferences
  • The theology of Communion and the spirit of Synodality.
  • The spirit of the Church that goes forth: “Our center is in the periphery”.
  • Copiosa Apud Eum Redemptio understood from the perspective of integral ecology.


– Each of the Commissions and Offices that form part of the Secretariat for Evangelization will work in close communication and collaboration.

– The Secretariat for Evangelization will have a fluid communication with the Commissions aimed at promoting the implementation of the Apostolic Plan of each Conference.

– The General Secretariat for Evangelization will work in close collaboration with the Secretariats and/or Commissions of the Conferences.

– The Secretariat for Evangelization will promote the re-imagining of a Redemptorist identity to respond to the reality of the present time. 

– The Secretariat for Evangelization will promote the reading and reflection of the documents of the Secretariat and its Commissions.

Further actions to be taken

– In harmony with the synodal spirit of the Universal Church, generate a resource for reflection according to the themes of reflection proposed by the General Government for each year. 

– Regular meetings to foster unity and effective communication among the different commissions within the Secretariat. 

– Assist in the design and implementation of the projects of the commissions in the different units.