Sunday, June 30, 2024

Latest News

Brazil: The Feast of the Mother of Perpetual Help gathers more than 100,000 faithful in Curitiba

The event, which began on June 18 and lasted until the 27th,...

June 30: Memorial of Blessed Gennaro Sarnelli

A friend of St Alphonsus and his faithful companion, he adhered to the...

Togo: The Celebration of the Feast Our Mother of Perpetual Help in Lomé Archdiocese

The celebration of the feast of Our Mother of Perpetual Help was done...

Fr. Ivan Levytskyi and Fr. Bohdan Geleta, were released from Russian prison.

The official portal of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church released information stating that...

Feast of the Mother of Perpetual Help in Rome

Monsignor Alfonso Amarante: Mother of Perpetual Help welcomes us and invites us to...